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In our efforts to help families "live well with" dementia, James L. West offers a variety of resources, from one-time classes to multi-session trainings, educational blogs and on-demand videos. From this page, you can search for available programs and resources by category in general dementia information and caregiving. Select a topic to find resources that best meet your needs.

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Caregiving Services

Dementia Services

Family Dynamics in Caregiving

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Age Inclusive Practices

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I Don’t Have Dementia – But it is Driving Me...

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Understanding Powers of Attorney

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Finding Long-Term Care When There is No Money

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Wandering and Elopement

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Dementia Dining & Dignity at the Dinner Table

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Determining Decision-Making Capacity

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Realistic Expectations

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10 Commandments of Caregiving

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Caregiver Stress

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Sundowning Syndrome

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Behavioral Management in Dementia

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Families Coping with Dementia

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Brain Health and Exercise

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Dementia Signs and Symptoms and Where to Turn

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Wandering, Rummaging, Hoarding, and Packing Behaviors

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Helping Loved Ones with Their Self-Care: Setting them up for...

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Optimal Brain Aging: Normal vs. Not Normal Aging and Understanding...

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Understanding Alcohol and Drug Related Dementias

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Cognitive Changes: What to Look for and What to Do

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Supporting Your Families to Create a Cohesive Team: How to...

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Advocating for Persons with Dementia: LTC Ombudsmen

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Hope in Caregiving: Blending Knowledge and Faith

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Change Your Thinking: Emotional Reasoning/Jumping to Conclusions

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Change Your Thinking: Labeling

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Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Family and Professional Caregivers

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The Heartbreak and Cost of Isolation: Strategies for Coping

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Neurobics Memory and Brain Adventures: How to Cross-train your brain

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Stress-Busting for Family Caregiver of Persons with Alzheimer’s & Dementia

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Changes in Eating Habits and Food Preferences

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Sexuality and Dementia

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Managing Emotional Behaviors: Depression, Mood Changes, Paranoia, and Suspicion

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Activities for Someone in the Middle Stages of Dementia

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The Holidays and Dementia

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Managing Combativeness in Dementia

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Communication Strategies Across the Stages of Dementia

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Malnourishment and Vitamin Deficiency

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Healthy Brain Aging: Reducing Your Risk for Dementia and Other...

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Understanding Other Brain Disorders

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What to Expect as Dementia Progresses

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Long Distance Caregiving

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Caregiver Work Life Balance

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Change Your Thinking: Discounting the Positive

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Ambiguous Grief

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In-home Care, Assisted Living, Nursing, Respite Care: Knowing What’s Best...

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Managing Sleep Changes in Dementia

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Change Your Thinking: Should Statements and Personalizing Blame

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Activities for Someone in the Early Stages of Dementia

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Supporting Loved Ones in a Facility When You Can’t Be...

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Stress and Depression: How They Affect the Brain

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Understanding Parkinson’s and Lewy Body Dementia

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Stress Less with James L. West: Stretching

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Activities for Someone in the Late Stages of Dementia

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A Healthier Brain through Diet and Exercise

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Change Your Thinking: Mental Filters

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Effects of TBI, CTE, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Epilepsy, and Seizures...

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How to Cope with Guilt and Heartbreak When You Break...

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Change Your Thinking: Overgeneralization

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Resiliency in Being a Care Partner

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Caring for Someone in the Late Stages of Dementia

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Managing Family Dynamics in Caregiving

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Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

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Communication in Early-Stage Dementia

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Brain Health and Sleep

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Working Through Caregiver Guilt

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Getting Help From Friends and Family

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Vascular Dementia

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Managing Physical and Emotional Behaviors: Interventions for Success

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Different Types and Causes of Dementia

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End of Life: Signs and Symptoms of Approaching Death

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James L. West Services and Dementia 101

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Caring for you, Caring for me, While Living with Dementia

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How to Integrate Trauma Informed Care into Our Communities

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Communication in Middle or Moderate Stage Dementia

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Brain Health and Socialization: Influencer of Brain Health

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Ambiguous and Anticipatory Grief

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Managing Sundowning in Dementia

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Understanding ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and Multiple Sclerosis: How they...

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Brain Health and Diet

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Brain Health and Stress

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Caring for Someone in the Middle Stages of Dementia

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Managing Bathing in Dementia Care

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Redirection Techniques to to Distract Someone with Dementia

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Anticipatory Grief

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Hospice 101

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Refining Caregiver Communication Skills: Best Tips on how to communicate...

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Change Your Thinking: All or Nothing

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Change Your Thinking: Magnifying or Minimizing

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Understanding Lewy Body Dementia

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How Huntington’s Disease, Lyme Disease, and Stress Affect the Brain

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Managing Toileting and Bathing in Dementia Care

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Managing Hospital to Home

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Validation and Compassionate Communication with those with Dementia

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Coping with Loss Within the Community: Call it what it...

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Grief, Bereavement, and Loss Throughout the Dementia Journey

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Understanding Frontotemporal Disorders

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Caring for Someone in the Early Stages of Dementia: Normalization:...

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Manage Stress & Anxiety in Unknown Times: How to Ask...

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The Magic of Reminiscence and D-I-Y Memory Boxes

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Communication in Late-Stage Dementia

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Communication and Behavior Management in Dementia Care

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Stress Reduction Techniques: An Interactive Program

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Alcohol Related Dementia, Malnourishment, and Medication Interactions

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Depression vs. Dementia

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Understanding Shadowing and Mirroring Behaviors in Dementia

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Home Safety and Emergency Preparedness: How to prepare your home...

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Caregiver Skill Building: Reducing Stress and Developing Coping Skills

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Understanding Less Common Dementias

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Brain Health and Cognitive Fitness

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Signs & Symptoms and Communication in Dementia

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Understanding Parkinson’s Disease Dementia

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Understanding Vascular Dementia, Stroke, and Depression

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